Executive Insights
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A few weeks ago, the logistics industry was still sweating the possibility of a UPS Teamsters strike that would have temporarily sidelined more than 300,000 drivers, sorters, clerks and mechanics. Today, approximately 30,000 industry professionals are sitting at home for a very different reason. We’re talking, of course, about Yellow’s decision to close its operations […]
Are you familiar with the game “Two Truths and A Lie”? It’s an entertaining activity that requires each player to make three statements about themselves – two that are true and one that’s a deliberate falsehood – and then seeing if people can figure out which is which. Here at AFS, we’ve taken the liberty […]
On June 1, hurricane season officially began (and hopefully you and your company are preparing accordingly). Unfortunately, a hurricane isn’t the only serious tempest we have to worry about this summer, because right now there’s a stormy contract debate brewing between the Teamsters and one of the country’s largest parcel carriers – and all signs […]
Earlier this month, FedEx Freight made waves when it announced that it would be closing more than two dozen of its freight locations. Shared via an e-mailed statement, the announcement has generated headlines across the country, not to mention considerable noise within the LTL community. But how big really is this news? Is it honestly […]
When Charles Dickens penned his famous line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” he might have been talking about the past few years for import-export supply chains. On the one hand, we’ve faced a barrage of health, environmental and labor contingencies that have challenged even the best-run of businesses. […]
As we write this, the NCAA basketball tournament–also known as March Madness–is about to begin. So is the country’s annual obsession with building brackets. We can’t tell you how to fill out a perfect bracket, although we do have a few solid theories about who’s going to be in this year’s Final Four. But we […]
Knock knock. Here’s your opportunity to find out how much you really know about parcel carriers’ GRIs and how they’re impacting your overall transportation spend. (Spoiler alert: They’re no joke.) What does GRI stand for? A. Gordon Ramsey International B. General Rate Increase C. Global Reporting Initiative D. All of the above Answer: D Depending […]
Late last month, we wrote a Viewpoint about the possibility of a rail strike only to have it rendered moot before we could get it out to you. At first, we thought about killing the story altogether. After all, what’s less newsworthy than a major supply chain disruption that didn’t wind up happening? But then […]
Do you need glasses to read articles like this? If so, you’re not alone. Approximately 194.1 million people in the United States rely on some form of visual assistance like bifocals, readers, or contact lenses. In fact, for a lot of us, these devices spell the difference between being able to merely see and being […]
There are a lot of great scenes in “A Christmas Story.” But one of our favorites is when Ralphie envisions getting a perfect grade for his holiday essay only to wind up with something much more disappointing. Take away the quaint setting – and the burning desire for a Red Ryder BB Gun – and […]