Helping you stay on top of the logistics conversation — the latest shipping news, the biggest trends and answers to today’s most essential transportation questions.
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Temperatures aren’t the only things that will be rising this summer. Effective June 21, FedEx will be extending all of the peak season surcharges it introduced earlier this year — and increasing the price tag of three.
We’re the supply chain experts. And now our new website showcases it to the world. Check out to find out exactly what we do,
Armstrong & Associates, a third-party logistics consulting and market research firm, recently studied what makes AFS different than its competitors
We’re hearing more and more about less-than-truckload (LTL) freight being used for final-mile and eCommerce deliveries. Is it fact or fiction? It’s a little bit
Imagine that you’ve taken your car in to get the brakes replaced. As you’re filling out the paperwork, the person behind the desk offers you
It’s certainly not written in stone yet. But here’s a quick snapshot of how the $621 billion transportation portion of President Biden’s American Jobs Plan
Effective April 11, bigger isn’t necessarily better and thinking out of the box could cost you more, especially if you ship with UPS. That’s when
If you’ve been feeling a little bit larger lately, join the club. According to a recent study, many Americans have gained anywhere from 22 to
On March 8, Logistics Management’s John Schultz wrote that, “Analysts and trucking executives say that it isn’t a question of whether [LTL] rates will go
How has COVID-19 altered the logistics and supply chain landscape since it became a household name last year? Let us count the ways. . .
Is it bad form to share memes that poke fun of logistics mistakes – like the ones that were posted about the recent Suez Canal
The weather outside isn’t the only thing that’s improving – at least for some parcel shippers. Earlier this week, UPS and FedEx both reinstated money-back
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AFS is directing carriers and customers to direct all inbound invoices to [email protected] or via established electronic submission, such as EDI or eSubmit to avoid processing delays due to the impacts of the COVID-19 countermeasures and service interruptions at the United States Postal Service.
Carriers should contact Carrier Support via email at [email protected] in lieu of calls. We have added additional resources and later hours to assist you and email will serve as the method for fastest response. Please send an aging report with your inquiry so that we may provide you the most current status.
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