Freight Forwarding
Focus On Global Success
Fill critical gaps in your logistics operations with proven, reliable freight forwarding services that keep shipments moving, profits steady and customers loyal.
Multimodal Transport Services
for Land, Sea and Air
Clients in
35+ Countries
Trusted, world-class expertise
Our freight forwarding services provide expert management for your trade lanes to keep shipments moving. We control routings, establish management networks and help manage carrier relationships to drive deeper improvements for the long haul.

Simplify complex shipments
Details are critically important when transporting freight across continents. With our extensive experience, proprietary tools and processes, AFS freight forwarding consultants manage all forms of documentation — including customs clearance, origin certificates, licenses and more — to streamline international shipping tasks.
Ship with confidence
AFS collaborates with an expansive carrier network, which enables us to identify and choose those that can meet your price and expediency demands. But it’s not only who we know — it’s what we know. AFS freight forwarding experts transform data into actionable strategies to unlock productivity while unleashing you from the burdens of international shipments.

Ensuring Client Success
See how AFS helped this global sealant manufacturer manage compliance and schedules and reduce costs for its international shipments.
AFS Insights

Déjà vu: More changes to UPS late fees and other payment terms
March 7, 2025
If parcel carriers changing payment terms and late fees sounds familiar, it should. Just last year, FedEx and UPS unleashed a wave of changes to

Take This Job And Love It: AFS Earns Prestigious Workplace Satisfaction Ranking
October 22, 2024
We’ve always felt like AFS was an amazing place to be employed. But now we have the hardware to prove it. We’re pleased to announce

Ask AFS: Who Will Be Impacted By UPS’s New Minimum Billable Weight?
October 2, 2024
Is it just me? Or does the recent change to UPS’s latest Additional Handling surcharge make some of my packages look heavier? It’s not just